ACC Law Enforcement Academy Graduation

ACC Law Enforcement Academy Graduation
Alvin Community College had its graduation ceremony for the 122nd Law Enforcement Academy on July 29. Cadet Trenton Mitchell was named the top academic achiever for the class and cadet Brayden Vincent was named the top gun for the highest achievement in firearms training.


Law Enforcement Academy
An ACC cadet Lenny Valdez, right, receives his badge as the newest member of the Angleton Police Department during the 122nd ACC Law Enforcement Academy graduation ceremony on July 29.


Law Enforcement Academy
A loved one touches the police badge for Alvin Police officer Trenton Mitchell after he graduated from the 122nd ACC Law Enforcement Academy graduation ceremony on July 29.

Academic Achiever
Cadet Trenton Mitchell, right, is given the top Academic Achievement Award from Criminal Justice instructor Craig Fos during the 122nd ACC Law Enforcement Academy graduation ceremony on July 29.


Top Gun

Cadet Brayden Vincent, right, is given the Top Gun award for firearms training from Criminal Justice instructor Craig Fos during the 122nd ACC Law Enforcement Academy graduation ceremony on July 29.